REACHOUT is a European Commission funded research and innovation project to advance user-oriented climate services to support the implementation of the Green Deal. Therefore, research partners, climate service providers and city stakeholders are co-developing a coherent set of services for seven city hubs across the EU.
Triple A-Toolkit: analyse, ambitions and actions
These services support cities to Analyze hazard, exposure and vulnerability to climate change, formulate Ambitions for Climate Resilient Urban Development, and identify, evaluate and select adaptation Actions for implementations. This so-called Triple-A toolkit builds upon and utilizes existing tools and services. To ensure sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project close cooperates with existing climate service platforms and develops business models for implementation of the services from the start.
The Triple-A approach is based on proven success in many cities across the world. At the start of the project the “toolkit” is compiled from a concrete set of proven successful tools, climate information branched off the C3S portal, and a set of background data layers on land use and socio-economic indicators. Additionally, the project is developing localized (city specific) ‘story maps’ which translate climate science into information that the local officials, water experts, advisors, citizens and companies can understand and work with.
The underlying Triple-A approach has been successfully applied in the Dutch National Spatial Adaptation program reaching most municipalities in the Netherlands. An agile development process is followed, consisting of three one-year loops, enhancing relevance by including possibilities for crowd sourcing and engagement of citizens and private sector. City Hubs apply the toolkit and provide the platforms for co-creation. EU wide upscaling is achieved through a City Hub approach and through connection to national and EU service platforms. C40 and R-Cities networks strengthen outreach and upscaling towards hundreds of cities world-wide. Our private sector partner APG is one of the world largest pension investors, responsible for the management of560 billion euros in pension funds for 4.7 million participants. APG manages assets in five of the seven City Hubs.
REACHOUT brings together a highly experienced transdisciplinary team with comprehensive knowledge on climate change adaptation and climate services, experience in working in cities. Our consortium will bridge the last mile and engage citizens and the private sector through active participation, building capacity and fostering collective action towards ambitions, addressing climate-related vulnerability.
Featured City Story
Amsterdam – APG







Meet the team

Jan-Willem Anker
Communication officer and language expert. At CAS he writes news articles and informative texts about climate adaptation, conducts interviews and creates social media content for the Dutch national Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation.

Maria Wiśnicka
Sendzimir Foundation
Maria is a graduate of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw and political science at the Central European University. Maria co-created grant and educational programs, including the “Green Leader”, for which she is responsible at the Sendzimir Foundation. She supports local government and non-profit leaders in their activities for the protection of the environment and climate.

Federico Aili
Federico Aili is an urban planner with strong interest in sustainability and urban resilience. From 2018 to 2021 he worked for the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and the ISOCARP Institute, where he mainly focused on EU-funded projects on Nature-based Solutions, research proposals and capacity-building programmes.

Marit Heinen
Marit Heinen (Msc) (F) manages and contributes to different climate adaptation projects with the main focus of translating scientific knowledge into usable information for policymakers. She has been involved in the development of the Climate Impact

Leon Kapetas
Resilient Cities Network
A hydrologist by training, Leon Kapetas is Lead for Programs and Climate Resilience for the Resilient Cities Network in Europe and Middle East. His work focuses on Nature Based Solutions as a vehicle for climate adaptation, raising natural capital while also meeting socioeconomic community objectives.

Jaroslav Mysiak
Dr. Jaroslav Mysiak (M) is the director of the research division ‘Risk assessment and adaptation strategies’, and external teacher at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Jaroslav holds a PhD from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and MSc. from the Technical University Zvolen (Slovakia).

John Tarpey
Ecologic Institute
John Tarpey (M) is a Researcher at Ecologic Institute, Germany. He works primarily on issues including water, climate adaptation and economics, and agriculture. At Ecologic Institute, John Tarpey works on Co-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs (COACCH), which is focused on the economic costs of climate change and climate actions.

Lina Liakou
Resilient Cities Network
Lina leads the resilience practice in Europe and the Middle East for the Resilient Cities Network. She is also responsible for the organization’s global governance, city engagement and knowledge. Before joining R-Cities, Lina was Deputy Mayor and Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

Isabel Parra
Resilient Cities Network
Isabel Parra is the Communications Manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Resilient Cities Network. She is the Social Media lead for REACHOUT and will contribute to the communication and dissemination strategy of the project. Her goal is to help cities create urban policy narratives and climate stories to mobilise internal and external stakeholders.

Sarah Wright
Sarah Wright is a junior researcher at Deltares, specializing in climate adaptation and water management. Sarah’s focus is centered around adaptation planning, especially using integrated approaches such as Climate Resilient Development and methods like Adaptation Pathways. She loves thinking about how to best present data in ways that are both useful and beautiful, translating science for non-technical decision makers and stakeholders.

Denise McCullagh
Dr. Denise McCullagh is a researcher in the Impacts and Adaptation Group at MaREI, University College Cork, Ireland. Denise’s research focuses on climate adaptation in the public, private and third sectors, from local to international scales.

Nellie Body
Nellie Body (MSc)(F) works with geohazards research and consulting at NGI. She has earned a MSc in Geohazards and Geomechanics and a BSc in Geology and geophysics from the University of Oslo, as well as single courses in Disaster management from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Gaby Langendijk
Dr. Gaby S. Langendijk is a climate scientist at Deltares, specialising in cities under climate change. Dr. Langendijk’s research is centred around the impacts of climate change on urban areas and developing adaptation strategies and climate services to enhance resilience.

Efrén Feliú
Efren Feliu (Senior Scientist) (M) holds a Building Engineering Degree as well as different postgraduates including spatial planning and territorial development. He has a relevant professional background in consultancy and capacity development for public administrations and utilities, especially focused in the fields of local sustainability, spatial planning, climate adaptation and resilience.

Chiara Mazzetti
Ecologic Institute
Chiara Mazzetti (F) is the Head of the Events Team and Communications Manager at Ecologic Institute. She is responsible for the strategic development and coordination of a vast array of events. As a communication expert, Chiara Mazzetti is also responsible for the coordination of large partner networks across Europe and the management of communication activities aimed at promoting the results and achievements…

Francesca Larosa
Francesca Larosa (F) is a PhD Candidate at Ca’ Foscari University in Climate Change Sciences and Management.She holds a MSc in Economic and Social Sciences from Bocconi University (Milan) and she obtained her BA in Economics from Pisa University.

Jenny Tröltzsch
Ecologic Institute
Jenny Tröltzsch (F) is a Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, Germany and coordinates the adaptation activities of the Institute. Jenny Tröltzsch works in projects pertaining to the costs and benefits of climate adaptation measures on the local, national and supranational (European Union, EU) level. Her project experiences include Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE) and Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Europe (ECONADAPT).

Natalia Burgos
Ecologic Institute
Natalia Burgos is an International Fellow at Ecologic Institute. Thematically, she focuses on Climate Change Adaptation, Nature based Solutions..

Joletta de Man
Joletta de Man is a communications professional with international premium brand experience in several companies varying from the field of probiotics for a large diary company, projects for ministeries and now climate adaptation. Within Reachout she is part of the communication team on behalf of Deltares.

Eva Boon
Eva Boon (Msc)(F) is advisor and researcher at CAS and focusses on the co-production of methods and tools with users in the field of climate services for adaptive delta management and urban adaptation. Eva combines working in CAS projects with a PhD…

Thijs Endendijk
Thijs Endendijk (M) is PhD candidate at the Instiute for Environmental Studies at VU Amsterdam. He is working on his thesis on the effects of climate change on financial sector investors.

Lars de Ruig
Climate Adaptations Services (CAS)
Lars de Ruig (PhD) (M) is an advisor at CAS, specializing in climate risk and the financial sector. He completed his PhD in flood risk and adaptation, focusing on household-level decisions regarding disaster risk reduction and flood insurance. At CAS, Lars is dedicated to bridging the gap between climate risk and the financial sector.

Sean Salazar
Dr. Sean Salazar (M) is a researcher and engineer at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). He specializes in Earth Observation, remote sensing and geospatial analysis techniques for geohazards, and civil engineering infrastructure. Sean has participated in several EU research and innovation projects and currently coordinates a Horizon Europe project in the Digital, Industry and Space programme.

Amy Oen
Amy Oen has been employed at NGI since 2001 and has over twenty years of research and consulting experience within the environmental sector. Expertise in ecological risk assessment and environmental management of pollutants, as well as knowledge brokering to improve stakeholder involvement.

Ad Jeuken
Dr. Ir. A.B.M. Jeuken is an expert advisor in the field of climate change adaptation and water management. He has a master degree in environmental sciences from the Wageningen University and finished a PhD in Global Climate modelling at KNMI and the University of Eindhoven.

Hasse Goosen
Hasse Goosen (PhD)(M) is the founder and director of Climate Adaptation Services. Hasse has been the architect of the tools which reach out to hundreds of unique users per day. Hasse supported numerous cities in the Netherlands and internationally.

James Strout
James Strout has been employed at NGI since 1998, and has 18 years of experience in the offshore energy sector, and 4 years in the Natural Hazards sector.

Nieves Peña
Nieves Peña (Senior Researcher) (F): BSc in Physics at Basque Country University and certified as team entrepreneur coach by Tiimiakatemia, University of Applied Sciences (Finland). During the first 8 years in Tecnalia she worked on the development of web services and semantic technologies.

Katriona McGlade
Ecologic Institute
Katriona McGlade (F) is a Fellow at Ecologic Institute, Germany where she focuses on climate adaptation policy and practice especially in coastal regions. Her interests are in collaborative, stakeholder-centred adaptation processes to develop shared knowledge and solutions. Examples of her previous work on stakeholder-centred…

Sophie van der Horst
Sophie van der Horst (Msc) (F) is advisor at CAS and works with climate data and visualizations. Sophie studied climate studies at Wageningen University where she focused on the physical climate…
Launch internship program REACHOUT
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