REACHOUT is a European Commission funded research and innovation project to advance user-oriented climate services to support the implementation of the Green Deal Therefore, research partners, climate service providers and city stakeholders are co-developing a coherent set of services for seven city hubs across the EU. These services support cities to Analyze hazard, exposure and vulnerability to climate change, formulate Ambitions for Climate Resilient Urban Development, and identify, evaluate and select adaptation Actions for implementations. This so-called Triple-A toolkit builds upon and utilizes existing tools and services.  To ensure sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project close cooperates with existing climate service platforms and develops business models for implementation of the services from the start. 

The Triple-A approach is based on proven success in many cities across the world.  At the start of the project the “toolkit” is compiled from a concrete set of proven successful tools, climate information branched off the C3S portal, and a set of background data layers on land use and socio-economic indicators.  Additionally, the project is developing localized (city specific) ‘Climate Stories’ which translate climate science into information that the local officials, water experts, advisors, citizens and companies can understand and work with. 

The underlying Triple-A approach has been successfully applied in the Dutch National Spatial Adaptation program reaching most municipalities in the Netherlands. An agile development process is followed, consisting of three one-year loops, enhancing relevance by including possibilities for crowd sourcing and engagement of citizens and private sector. City Hubs apply the toolkit and provide the platforms for co-creation. EU wide upscaling is achieved through a City Hub approach and through connection to national and EU service platforms. C40 and R-Cities networks strengthen outreach and upscaling towards hundreds of cities world-wide. Our private sector partner APG is one of the world largest pension investors, responsible for the management of560 billion euros in pension funds for 4.7 million participants. APG manages assets in five of the seven City Hubs.  

REACHOUT brings together a highly experienced transdisciplinary team with comprehensive knowledge on climate change adaptation and climate services, experience in working in cities. Our consortium will bridge the last mile and engage citizens and the private sector through active participation, building capacity and fostering collective action towards ambitions, addressing climate-related vulnerability.

REACHOUT brochure

For more information, click here to download your REACHOUT brochure.

Policy Brief

Click below to download REACHOUT’s 1st Policy Brief

Integrating climate services into cities’ municipal planning


Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story