Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

The Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Fondazione CMCC) is a leading research centre on climate change modelling, impact assessment and societal responses. CMCC’s mission is  to  provide  sound,  reliable,  rigorous,  and  timely  scientific  evidence  to  inform  processes  stimulating sustainable  growth, protecting the environment, and  developing evidence-based climate  mitigation and adaptation actions. The multi-, inter-, trans- disciplinary team and expertise make it possible to deliver in-depth  analyses  of  climate  impacts  on  agriculture,  ecosystems,  coasts,  water  resources,  health,  and economics.  CMCC  provides  services  for  Copernicus  Climate  Change  and  Marine  Environmental. Monitoring,  hosts  the IPCC  focal  point  in  Italy,  coordinates  the  competence  network  of  the  European Environment Agency (Topic Centre on climate change, impacts and adaptation, ETC-CCA), and provides expertise to various services of the European Commission, including Climate Action, Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, Environment, and JRC. CMCC benefits from the extensive applied research experience of  its  members  and  institutional  partners:  Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e  Vulcanologia  (INGV); Università del Salento; Centro Italiano di Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA S.c.p.a.); Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia;  Università  di  Sassari;  Università  della  Tuscia;  Università  di  Bologna;  Politecnico  di  Milano;  

The CMCC portfolio of research projects includes more than 400 funded projects of which a large share is EU-funded.  

As a central player in the EU Climate adaptation research and policy work CMCC is well equipped to lead the task on EU level community building. With experience in multiple EU projects on climate service delivery including business models and participation in various Copernicus contracts, it has a good profile to lead the work package on business models for Climate services. 

The Team

Jaroslav Mysiak

Dr. Jaroslav Mysiak (M) is the director of the research division ‘Risk assessment and adaptation strategies’, and external teacher at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Jaroslav holds a PhD from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and MSc. from the Technical University Zvolen (Slovakia).

Francesca Larosa

Francesca Larosa (F) is a PhD Candidate at Ca’ Foscari University in Climate Change Sciences and Management.She holds a MSc in Economic and Social Sciences from Bocconi University (Milan) and she obtained her BA in Economics from Pisa University.

Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story