Practical guide: How to build a climate story

This deliverable closes the chapter on the research work to test storytelling as a climate service. The methodology, Climate Stories, provides tools and recommendations for communicating complex models, results and scientific concepts in a way that connects personally and emotionally with target audiences who may not otherwise be familiar with climate services or climate data. Co-creation with stakeholders is an integral part of the process of developing a climate story, as well as the need for climate service providers to also develop simpler products such as infographics, illustrations, tables, or other materials that are easily accessible and understandable for different types of target audiences.

The REACHOUT Cities have taken full ownership of the climate stories, becoming vested in them as important resources. The stories are being used for raising awareness in public plans and events, for promoting activities and resources, and for bringing attention to the importance of climate adaptation for everyone.

A key outcome of this activity is the preparation of a new practical guide: ‘How to build a climate story’, written as a practical guide for climate adaptation practitioners who wish to test storytelling within their own research communication. Although provided as an appendix to the deliverable, this manual will also be released as a stand-alone document as a part of ensuring the legacy of the REACHOUT project and the work on climate stories.

Download the practical guide ‘How to build a climate story’ here

Check our other results and papers here.

Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story