Learning program supporting City Hubs’ tools implementation, monitoring capacities and adaptation

REACHOUT projects aims to bridge the last mile in climate service delivery to support European cities in building resilience to climate change. To ensure its success, we are delivering a Learning Program to build the capacity of key city staff and local authorities, by addressing the main barriers for uptake and by exploiting existing achievement in climate services. 

The Leaning Program is made of 4 modules. Two of these were delivered in 2022 and provided “foundational content”, such as introduction to urban resilience, climate risk assessment, climate services and stakeholder engagement. Module III was delivered online on 10th November 2023 and aimed to support city hubs in the planning and implementation of tools, as well as monitoring internal capacities and adaptation efforts.  

The first session was delivered by Deltares and focused on Resilience Pathways. The objective of the session was to introduce the concept of climate-resilient development pathways and show city-hubs how to apply pathways to confront long-term (climate) uncertainties in planning. The session presented the approach of Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) and provided examples of applications in a fictious city case study. The learning session was followed by an exercise (led by Resilient Cities Network) in breakout rooms, where participants were asked to outline one or more pathways in a given case study. 

The second session was delivered by CMCC and focused on Monitoring and evaluation of climate adaptation​. The first part presented the monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate adaptation, while the second part supported city hubs in completing a self-assessment of risk management capabilities though a hands-on exercise.   

A total of 35 participants attended the sessions, including 25 representatives from five city hubs.  

The presentations delivered during Module III are available online

More results can be found here.

Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story