Policy brief ‘Integrating climate services into cities’ municipal planning’

During the last decade, climate services proved to be an important aid for informed decision making on climate adaptations in Europe. However, there is a general concern that climate services are not successful in reaching the last mile toward user implementation in order to support climate service planning.

In particular cities are increasingly aware of the need to better integrate climate adaptation into other urban development plans and actions, but they are often faced with a lack of financial resources and limited capacity to coordinate necessary adaptation actions. So, “what does climate resilient urban development look like in practice, and how can supporting guidance, tools and services be co-developed?”

This first policy brief from the REACHOUT project shares results after 1,5 years of project implementation. The project’s main aim is to co-develop knowlegde and information, packaged as climate services and tools that support the process of climate resilient urban development. As the first one in a series of 4, the current brief starts from the city perspective.

Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story