Tiberiu has a MsC in ‘Quality of the environment and risk phenomena’ and a PhD in climate research which consolidated his knowledge in human– climate (environment) interaction.
As a PostDoc Fellow at CMCC, ISC division and Scientific Project Officer in EU JRC with the EDO (European Drought Observatory) and DRMKC (Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre) groups, his activity was focused on disaster risk research both for policy support and implementation.
The current activity, the development of the DRMKC Risk Data Hub ensures the link between policy and practice and strengthens the foundations of science-based information for DRM and CCA policies.
In the recently adopted EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, the DRMKC Risk Data Hub is presented as the platform to host and offer access, Europe wide, to harmonised climate-related risk data for the implementation of the strategy. It also has the mission to ‘’promote national level public private partnerships to collect and share such data’’. The objectives of this mission is complementary with the REACHOUT project objectives offering ways of benefiting on the existing knowledge, networks, tools, methods in an homogeneous approach.
CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change
ISC- Impacts on Soil and Coasts division
Data protection
2024 © Copyright REACHOUT
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036599.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036599.
Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.
Theme: Flooding
End user: Citizens
Link to the story: under construction