Assessment of Risk management capabilities​

Tool description

This tool is used to guide review and/or self-assessment of risk management capabilities. Originally developed for the purpose of the country peer review under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism and adapted to different scales such as regional and local ones, the tool can assist the authorities in assessing where they stand with adaptation & disaster risk reduction and identifying major gaps or opportunities for improvement. The tool addresses all climate-related hazards & risk or a selection of thereof and is useful to assess progress made in risk governance, planning, coping capacity and recovery from climate related shocks. The tool is meant for local to national authorities, action groups, civil society organizations or other organized groups contributing to climate adaptation & disaster risk reduction strategies and plans.  



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Complexity explanation

Application of the tool requires extensive knowledge of urban planning instruments, policy priorities and capabilities.

Benefits of using the tool

Within the city hub context, this tool can be applied and used as a part of collaborative inclusive assessment of initial conditions or progress made on adaptation in urban context. The tool stimulates shared learning and knowledge sharing, awareness building and extensive dialogs/consultations.

City Hub experiences

In Milan, this framework was applied to investigate the local cross-sectoral processes of identifying, analysing and evaluating the risk of the most relevant climate-related hazards insisting on the municipal territory, as well as to identify if and how this process is mainstreamed in existing disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation strategies and plans.
  • The results in Italian for Milan can be downloaded here.
  • The results in English for Milan can be downloaded here.
The tool is currently being applied to work on a wildfire risk review in Greece.
Additionally, the tool has been tested in the context of 10 Italian cities. Its application in 6 major Italian cities is available here.

Triple-A phases

The tool can be used in the following Triple-A phases:

  • Analysis phase:
    assessment of adaptation & disaster risk reduction (DRR) capabilities.
  • Ambition phase: 
    – collective review of progress made and monitoring of achievements on climate adaptation and disaster risk management.
  • Action phase:
    – identification of gaps and opportunities for improvement of climate adaptation & disaster risk reduction strategies and plans.



Not available yet


Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC), Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies division

Veronica Casartelli,


More information at

[1] Mysiak, J., Casartelli, V., Torresan, S. (2021). Union Civil Protection Mechanism – Peer Review Programme for disaster risk management: Assessment Framework

See also UCPM Peer review program


The tool is complementary to all other REACHOUT tools and can be applied together with any of them.

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the story: under construction