Climate Resilient City Tool (CRCTool)

Tool description

The Climate Resilient City Tool (CRCTool) aims to support collaborative climate adaptation planning and to promote multi-disciplinary dialogue on adaptation options to increase urban climate resilience. The tool contains a database of over 50 adaptation measures including descriptions, pictures of best practices and references for further reading.

The CRCTool is easy to use by both experts and non-experts in the field of urban planning and adaptation and can be used in a workshop setting with multiple stakeholders as well as behind a desk.

Tools functionalities allow the users to locate the measures on a map and explore and compare adaptation options for a project area. It provides information on the effectiveness of measures to reduce stormwater flooding, urban heat stress and drought. Additional information on construction and maintenance costs is also available. The CRCTool encourages the use of Nature Based Solutions; traditional grey measures are included to enable comparison.


Would you like to know which tools are complementary? Click here.

Complexity explanation

• The CRCTool has been developed as open source. A free not calibrated version of the CRCTool is freely available online. The tool is very user friendly therefore the complexity of using the tool is low.

• The tool configuration must be done by trained users and has medium complexity.

• The complexity of creating a new version of the tool based on the source code is high.

Benefits of using the tool

  • Create conceptual designs to increase the climate resilience of a certain area that meet defined adaptation targets and are spatially explicit.
  • Support development of local climate adaptation plans and strategies and urban master plans by allowing exploration and testing the feasibility of the plans and strategies based on concrete adaptation measures .
  • Explore and compare potential adaptation options for an area .
  • The tool is user friendly and can be used by both experts and non-experts.

City Hub experiences

  • In Gdynia the CRCTool is being customized to support multiple potential climate adaptation projects in the city. In the planned workshop climate adaptation will be centered around social vulnerability.
  • In Lillestrøm the CRCTool has being set up for specific redevelopment locations to support the dialogue between the city and project developers on how to redevelop areas and contribute to the climate resilience of the city.
  • In Athens the CRCTool will be configured to support the planning of Urban NBS for climate resilience for a large re-development project.

Triple-A phases

The tool can be used in the following Triple-A phase:
  • Action phase: It supports the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of adaptation measures.


Not available yet




More information at

Link to the CRCTool 

Documentation can be found here.

Publications: McEvoy S., F.H.M. van de Ven, R. Brolsma, J. H. Slinger, Evaluating a Planning Support System’s use and effects in urban adaptation: an exploratory case study from Berlin, Germany, Sustainability 2020 



The CRCTool can be used in combination with all tools and services that produce maps on climate hazards like the Community Flood Resilience Tool and Thermal Assessment Tool. The tool can also be used in combination with the Social Vulnerability tool.

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the story: under construction