Tool description

There is an increasing need for strategic global assessments of flood risks in current and future scenarios. The GLOFRIS model is aimed to give insight in direct flood damage as result of riverine and coastal floods. The model shows the current state of flood risk and uses socioeconomic and climate scenarios for future projections of flood damage. This tool can be used to guide investments in flood adaptation by showing the economic benefits of several adaptation options, such as flood protection or risk-reducing strategies on the building level.




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Complexity explanation

The tool can be implemented by cities on their own, if some basic knowledge of climate data/adaptation information is available.

Benefits of using the tool

Regional policy makers can use this tool to find out which adaptation policy should be prioritized and yields the largest benefits in terms of avoided direct flood damage. Another group that benefits from this tool are real estate investors, where the tool helps determining locations prone to flood risk, which helps guiding sustainable real estate investments.

  • Investment decisions can be guided using the GLOFRIS tool, by expressing the benefits of flood protection in terms of avoided economic damage.
  • Especially interesting if comparable global and EU level data should be the basis for assessments, e.g. for investors and pension funds.

City Hub experiences

A simplified version named REACT tool has been applied for the Amsterdam city hub (APG) and real estate investor AEW. The tool functions well as an early scan/overview of pluvial and riverine flood risk, although some background GIS knowledge is required. The next goal is to add a new financial investment module to the GLOFRIS tool, which incorporates both short- and long-term risks for real estate investments.

Triple-A phases

The tool can be used in the following Triple-A phases:
  • Analysis phase to identify areas with higher flood risk where action is required.
  • Action phase to assess the impact of several adaptation strategies, assisting the decision-making process.


Not available yet



Thijs Endendijk,

More information at

A link to the REACT tool can be found here

Ward, P., Jongman, B., Aerts, J. et al. A global framework for future costs and benefits of river-flood protection in urban areas. Nature Clim Change 7, 642–646 (2017).


The tool is complementary with the FLOPROS database which is an evolving global database of flood protection standards. Flood protection standards gives a more accurate representation of flood risk. The GLOFRIS model can also function as an input in the DIFI model, another REACHOUT tool also developed by VU-IVM.

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story