REACHOUT at Copernicus Climate Adaptation Workshop

The “Copernicus and climate adaptation” workshop, held at the European Commission on 25 September 2023 in Brussels, aimed to discuss challenges and opportunities for adaptation in Europe, with a specific focus on how Copernicus can support adaptation in urban areas. The hybrid workshop was attended by a wide variety of stakeholders, including academics, climate service developers and policy makers.

Several REACHOUT partners contributed to the program and highlighted their perspectives during keynote presentations and panel discussions. Gaby Langendijk (Deltares) discussed adaptation research challenges in urban areas through providing examples on tool development and the upscaling of city-specific tools to the European level from the REACHOUT project.

Examples from industry and how the private sector can support climate adaptation were introduced by Efren Feliu Torres (Tecnalia). He specifically highlighted the Thermal Assessment Tool, which is part of the Triple-A Toolkit of REACHOUT.


Jaroslav Mysiak (CMCC) elaborated on future regional risks and how societies can build resilience.

Two key challenges and needs to advance climate adaptation were mentioned throughout the workshop. Firstly, high-resolution urban climate data and information is required and shall be directly incorporated in adaptation plans and strategies at the regional-to-local level. Secondly, there is a need to better understand trade-offs, synergies and co-benefits between adaptation and mitigation actions, as well as other policy objectives, to foster climate resilient development. The Copernicus workshop was full of inspiring interventions and rich discussions. Copernicus, and its services, are pivotal to support and advance climate adaptation from to local to the European level.

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The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story