
The REACHOUT project will develop 27 public deliverables, which will be elaborated throughout the 3.5 years of the project. In this site we will share those results as soon as they become available. Moreover, the project also envisions the production of four Policy briefs that will target the main topics of the project: 1) citizen engagement, 2) private sector, 3) city stories, 4) EU platforms and policy. 

Finally, the project also produces scientific publications, which can be found below and through other channels. 


Deliverable  Title  Lead partner  Expected date 
D5.2 Online Training module I Learning program for the city hubs  R-cities Feb ’22
D4.1  Opportunities and barrier report   CMCC  Mar’22 
D5.3  Online Training modules II  R-Cities  Sep’22 
D1.3  Climate Stories: Short stories and Initial stories CAS  Nov’22 
D2.5 Best practice service delivery year 1 CAS Dec’22
D3.5  Guidelines for using climate service tools in ANALYSIS  Ecologic  Jan’23 
D4.2  Marketability: demand side factors and market prospects for climate services CMCC  Mar’23 
D6.4  Midterm City toolkit forum  CAS  July’23 
D3.8  Delivery of the beta version of web-based portal to support sustainable use of tools.   Tecnalia  Sep’23 
D4.3  Market strategies: Service diffusion and willingness to invest report   CMCC  Dec’23 
D5.4  Online Training modules III  R-Cities  Nov’23 
D1.4  Climate Story Maps: Interim story maps (phase II, AMBITION)  NGI  Nov’23 
D3.6  Guidelines for climate service tools in AMBITION  Ecologic  Jan’24 
D5.6  Resilience demonstrators  Deltares  March’25 
D2.9  Report Physical Climate Risk assessment approach for international asset portfolios of real estate investors using European open data and climate services tools    CAS  May’24 
D3.11  Report on recommended support for toolkit tools  Tecnalia  Sept’24 
D5.5  Online Training modules IV  R-Cities  Dec’24 
D6.5  Final City Toolkit forum  CAS  Oct’24 
D1.5  Climate Story Maps: Final story maps (phase III, ACTION) and practical guide ‘How to build a climate story’  NGI  Nov’24 
D1.6  Lessons learnt report on uptake and cross case learning  Deltares  Jan’25 
D1.7  Findings from Hub engagement activities   R-Cities  Jan’25 
D2.8  Final recommendations on service design and development (lessons learnt)   CAS  Jan’25 
D3.7  Guidelines for climate service tools in ACTION  Ecologic  Jan’25 
D3.9  Delivery of the final version of web-based portal sustainable use of tools.   Tecnalia  Jan’25 
D3.10  Report documenting the generic methodology of the toolkit, lessons learnt and with recommendation on further exploitation and development  Tecnalia  Jan’25 
D4.4  Recommendation and synthesis report on B&I models  CMCC  Jan’25 
D5.7  Report on opportunities and actions for integration of services within EU and national platforms  CMCC  Jan’25 



Policy briefs

1st Policy brief, September 2023

Integrating climate services into cities’ municipal planning

For more information on the 1st Policy brief, check out this page.

2nd Policy brief, June 2024

Facilitating Urban Innovation: Climate services co-creation and their use in urban environments

For more information on the 2nd Policy Brief check out this page.


  • Endendijk, T., Botzen, W. J. W., de Moel, H., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Slager, K., & Kok, M. (2023). Flood Vulnerability Models and Household Flood Damage Mitigation Measures: An Econometric Analysis of Survey Data. Water Resources Research, e2022WR034192.
  • Zhou, F., Endendijk, T., & Botzen, W. J. W. (2023). A review of the financial sector impacts of risks associated with climate change. Annual Review of Resource Economics15
  • Endendijk, T., & Botzen, W. J. W. (2023). A default nudge in waste management: assessing the impact of explicit consent for unaddressed mail. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-17.
  • Thijs Endendijk, W.J. Wouter Botzen, Hans de Moel, Kymo Slager, Matthijs Kok, Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts (2024) Resilience: Understanding the impact of flood hazard and vulnerability on business interruption and losses.
  • Denise McCullagh, Gaby S. Langendijk, Gundula Winter, Ad Jeuken, Lydia Cumiskey, Peter Medway, Daniel Carr, Ronan Gingles, Declan Dunne, Walther Camaro (2024) Climate services: Co-development in Cork City, Ireland.
  • Endendijk, T., Botzen, W., de Moel, H., Aerst, J., Duijndam, S. ., Slager, K., … Kok, M. (2023). Experience From the 2021 Floods in the Netherlands: Household Survey Results on Impacts and Responses. Journal of Coastal and Riverine Flood Risk , 2.
Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the story: under construction