Workshop climate story development, a powerful communication tool

REACHOUT partner Climate Adaptation Services (CAS) arranged a climate story development workshop at their office in the Netherlands.  Project members from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) participated both in-person and online.  The CAS-NGI team evaluated the REACHOUT climate story development process and results in detail over the last two years of the project. The team also discussed the contents of an easy-to-use manual for European cities to develop their own climate stories and take ownership of this powerful communication tool. The outcomes of the workshop will be described in the project deliverable D1.5 Climate Story Maps, which will be publicly available later this year. An overview of the REACHOUT climate stories is available at

Results on climate stories can be found in the deliverable D1.3 Climate Stories, short stories and initial stories and in the deliverable D1.4 climate story maps

Not available yet

The climate story of Gdynia​

Short summary: A story about Jan and Maria during extreme precipitation.

Theme: Flooding

End user: Citizens

Link to the climate story